There are few reasons why you have to say yes for threesome whenever you get an opportunity for threesome sex –
Communication abilities – In order to get a new sexual experience and fulfill your sexual desire or fantasy, having a threesome is an opportunity to communicate freely about you sexual desires and sexual fantasy. You can speak freely about you and your sexual desires and most importantly you can fulfill all your sexual desires without any hesitation or feeling shy from your partner. Having a threesome is completely new experience to explore your sexual fantasy and desires.
Bring the spice back to your life – if you are a married swinger couple and lose your sexual excitement in your relationship and desperately looking to bring the excitement back in your relationship, threesome sex brings that excitement back in your sexual relationship and spic up your life. Calling a threesome is sometime a life saver for most of the couples and that’s the main reason why most couples are interested in having a threesome or want to live a swinger life style. Being into a threesome or a swinger couple, it is mandatory that you must be open minded and what the society or other people thinks about you that will never affect your life style.
Threesome is basically not a narrow minded people. If you don’t have that patience in you that you can see your partner with someone else, than it’s better to stay away from threesome and never think about having a threesome as a couple.
If you don’t want to cheat your partner and still want to experience a threesome dating with someone else, threesome is for you. It’s better to call a threesome along with your wife or a girl friend if you are thinking about bedding with other women but at the same time you don’t want to cheat your wife or girl friend. Threesome is quite the best platform for you to enjoy a sexual relationship with other women along with your wife or a girl friend.
These are the way best things that you should say yes to threesome.